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10 Ways to Increase Instagram Engagement

In this day and age, we all understand the importance of engagement on various social media platforms for brands and companies. An important question that has been coming up is how can we stay on top of this engagement and how to increase it as time goes on?

Let us walk you through some tips and tricks on how to increase your Instagram engagement.

@chelseaKauai in a red Sari in India
@Emmett_Sparling and @ChelseaKauai share stories of their travels with their followers.

10 ways to Increase Instagram Engagement

1. Post Consistently

You’ve probably heard it a million times but consistency has and will always be the key to increasing engagement. For your audience to stay engaged with your content, you have to post regularly. This consistency allows your audience to feel that you are passionate, which will make them want to engage with your content often. Forgetting about your audience and leaving them hanging for weeks on end will cause them to disengage with your profile.

A way to achieve this consistency is to plan a schedule ahead of time while also posting at a time when most of your followers are likely to be browsing their feed. This will skyrocket your engagement levels quickly.

2. Post Meaningful Content

Something that has always been imperative to the Instagram world, and continues to be is to create well-thought-out and meaningful content. Creating evocative content that sparks interest to your audience is a must for them to continue engaging with you and bring on new followers. Your followers don’t want to feel like you are selling them a product but rather that you are sharing a story with them.

3. Use Instagram Carousels

Instagram carousels allow you to share up to 10 pictures, videos and text graphics in one singular post. The great thing about carousels is that they are like a 10-in-1 kind of deal and they are an engagement gold mine. They are proven to receive a higher engagement rate, compared to single-in-feed images and videos.

They have the front seat in achieving engagement because these types of posts convey the best storytelling, something that is essential.

4. Use Instagram Story Stickers

As we all know staying engaged with your followers is the number one rule for growth, Instagram Story Stickers are a great way to achieve this. There are a number of easy stickers to use like polls, questions, countdown quizzes and emoji sliders. This will not only have them engage with you but will help you understand their needs and wants.

5. Use a Call to Action in Your Captions

Call to action (CTAs) continue to stand the test of time; including a CTA in your caption is a sure way to get more Instagram engagement. Being creative with your call to action is an important aspect, you can ask for advice, recommendations, or even general information. Sharing genuine anecdotes and following up with relevant questions will make sure that your community responds.

6. Geo-Tag your Location

In a very similar way to hashtags, geotags help grow your reach by getting your content in front of more users and increasing your engagement.

You can use this to your advantage when going to specific locations. An example is if you find yourself in a beautiful spot by geo-tagging that specific spot you will inspire them to save your post and revisit at a later day when wanting to visit that specific area. This useful tool helps you gain more saves on your post.

7. Stay Involved With Your Followers

Always get involved with your followers by understanding your audience’s wants, needs and priorities. It is important to reply directly to comments, add a call to action, and encourage your followers to share your posts.

8. Collab, Collab, Collab

Instagram Collaboration is the new way to boost your Instagram engagement, this is especially true on reels.

As you may know, you can now collaborate on a post with another creator, a feature that has also been recently added to reels. This allows two creators to share a specific post/reel content with their followers on their feed without having to duplicate it, an upgraded front to the traditional tagging. This is essentially a co-author, enabling you to engage and connect with each other’s communities.

9. Add a link to Instagram Stories

Adding a link to your Instagram story was only a possibility for accounts with over 10k followers, but recently this has changed and all accounts have access to this feature. A feature that allows engagement and increased website traffic with the ability to personalize your link sticker with whatever custom text you choose.

10. Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels are an amazing way to gain engagement with your followers for many reasons. Read our latest blog post dedicated to “Understanding Instagram Reels” and why you should create them.


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