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How to Choose Which Brands to Work With: A Creator's Guide

Choosing which brands to work with is really important for creators, as a brand partnership is also a brand alignment for your own brand -- in other words, the things the brand you work with cares about and aligns with matter because they will reflect your own personal brand's values.

Navigating this decision can be overwhelming, so we've written this article to help you in your decision-making.

1. Reflect on Your Brand Values

Photo by Blake Guidry

Your personal or business brand values act as your North Star. Before diving into a partnership, you really have to think about whether or not the brand's beliefs, values and communications align with yours.

Example: If you're a travel photographer who promotes eco-friendly travel, collaborating with a sustainable travel gear company like Patagonia might be a match made in heaven.

2. Research, Research, Research!

Knowledge is power - before you partner with a brand, ensure the brands you consider align with your audience's interests.

  • Audience Interests: Does the brand resonate with your audience? Tools like Google Analytics can provide insights. Try searching up keywords that your brand uses to see what type of audience is looking for those keywords.

  • Brand’s Past Collaborations: Who have they partnered with before? Were those collaborations successful? What did the partnerships represent?

Example: Vimeo stands out for promoting indie creators, making it a go-to for filmmakers. If your content aligns, it might be a win-win.

3. Quality Over Quantity

Chasing after every brand opportunity can dilute your brand's essence. Be selective. Focus on brands offering quality products or services that you can genuinely vouch for.

Every collaboration speaks volumes about your brand:

  • Selectivity: Don’t spread yourself too thin. Focus on fewer, meaningful partnerships.

  • Product/Service Evaluation: Test the products or services beforehand. Your audience trusts you; don’t let subpar products tarnish that trust.

Photo by Carl Heyerdahl

4. Evaluate Compensation Fairly

While passion drives us, let's be real; bills need paying. The brands that are worth working with will always offer fair compensation (be it monetary, or exposure).

While passion is the core, it's essential to ensure you're valued:

  • Monetary Compensation: Understand market rates and negotiate.

  • Exposure: Sometimes, the right exposure can be worth more than immediate payment. Always weigh the pros and cons, or try to think of other non-monetary perks if they company won't budge on money.

5. Check Brand Reputation

Social proof can't be underestimated. Look up reviews, check their past collaborations, and assess if they’ve been involved in controversies.

The brands you partner with reflect on you:

  • Reviews & Feedback: Public opinion can offer a lot. Doing a quick search on Reddit or Google Reviews to see what people think of a brand can go a long way.

  • Past Controversies: Brands embroiled in constant controversies might not be ideal partners.

6. Long-term Vision

Is the brand looking for a one-off collaboration, or are they interested in building long-term relationships? Brands willing to invest in long-term collaborations can offer stability.

Partnerships can vary in length and depth:

  • Contract Terms: Understand if the brand seeks a short campaign or long-term collaborations.

  • Future Opportunities: A one-time post might lead to further collaborations. Always keep the doors of communication open.

Conclusion: Charting Your Brand Journey

Choosing which brands to collaborate with is a big decision in your creative journey. It’s more than just business; it's a relationship. Make sure it’s a harmonious one!


Creator Circuit

Creator Circuit is the industry’s go-to platform for creators of all levels to improve their skills in photography, videography, social media, and freelance work.

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