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Boost Your Influence with These Instagram Photography Tips

Instagram is the perfect platform for showcasing your photographic talent. As a space buzzing with creativity, it can transform any photo enthusiast into an influential content creator. For those who love to explore the world, embrace freelancing, and enjoy the nomad lifestyle, it's the perfect canvas to share your journey and enhance your brand.

With over one billion monthly active users on Instagram, standing out from the crowd can be a challenge. So, how can you truly capture your audience's attention and create an online presence that can't be ignored? This is where Creator Circuit can help. We’ve compiled a list of crucial Instagram photography tips to improve your content, bolster your influence, and make your photography pop!

Photo of travel adventure photographer Karl Shakur in Oman by Emmett Sparling
Photo: Emmett Sparling

Here are 7 Instagram Photography Tips to Improve your Skills

1. Master the Art of Composition

Photography, first and foremost, is about composition. The 'Rule of Thirds' is a fundamental concept that suggests dividing your frame into nine equal sections. Position your subject along these lines or their intersections to create balance and interest in your photo.

Try it out: During your next beach outing or city tour, try to frame a picture using the Rule of Thirds. You’ll see an immediate improvement in your photos' visual appeal.

2. Harness the Power of Lighting

Lighting is the soul of photography. The right light can make your subject glow and bring a stunning dimension to your images. Golden Hour—the hour just after sunrise and before sunset—is your best friend.

Give it a shot: Try capturing a sunrise or sunset. Pay attention to how the soft, warm light adds depth and drama to your scene.

3. Make Colors Pop

Vibrant colors can make your photographs stand out on Instagram. Learn to use editing tools to adjust saturation, vibrancy, and contrast to make your colors shine.

Put it into practice: Take a photo of a colorful streetscape or a vividly colored dish. Use editing tools to enhance the colors and observe the difference.

4. Show a Unique Perspective

Instagram is full of common, repetitive shots. Show your uniqueness by looking for unusual angles or perspectives. Low or high-angle shots, close-ups, and wide-angle views can make your photos more engaging.

Apply this tip: Choose a common subject, like a monument or a flower. Now, experiment with different angles and distances, and watch your creativity bloom.

5. Leverage the Instagram Tools

Instagram offers a wealth of tools to help enhance your photos. Learn to use filters, adjustments, and effects to make your photos eye-catching.

Try it now: Upload a photo on Instagram. Before posting, experiment with different filters and adjustments. See how these changes can alter your photo's mood and tone.

6. Tell a Story

Every picture tells a story. Make your photos captivating by sharing a narrative that resonates with your audience. A story can evoke emotions, adding a deeper layer of connection with your followers.

Try storytelling: Capture a moment that means something to you and share its story in the caption. See how your audience connects with it.

7. Engage with Your Audience

It's not just about posting photos; it's about building a community. Engage with your followers by responding to comments, asking questions, and showing appreciation. This will not only make them feel valued but also increase your visibility.

Get involved: Start a conversation in your next post’s caption or comments. Encourage your followers to share their thoughts or experiences.

Applying these Instagram photography tips will certainly help you improve your content. Still, photography is a vast field with endless opportunities for learning and growth. Here at Creator Circuit, we provide a platform with in-depth photography and video tutorials to further develop your skills.


Creator Circuit is the industry’s go-to platform for creators of all levels to improve their skills in photography, videography, social media, and freelance work.

A membership to Creator Circuit gives you unlimited access to over 300 jam-packed video tutorials taught by more than 28 industry experts.


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