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Sharing Knowledge on Instagram: Provide Value with Photography Tips and Tutorials

As an Instagram creator, one way to differentiate yourself is by sharing your expertise. Let's dive into specific ways you can offer value through photography tips, tutorials, and behind-the-scenes insights.

Photo by Helena Lopes

Building Trust by Sharing Knowledge on Instagram

Sharing your knowledge can establish you as a trusted resource. Here are practical ways to do this:

1. Short-form tips:

Use Instagram posts or Reels for quick tips. For instance, a Reel demonstrating the "Rule of Thirds" in composition can be both engaging and educational.

2. Detailed Tutorials:

Leverage Instagram Guides for extensive guides. A video explaining how to shoot long-exposure photographs or a Guide on mastering portrait photography can provide immense value to beginners.

3. Before-and-after Posts:

Showcase the power of post-processing by sharing before and after images. You could post a photo straight from your camera alongside its edited version, explaining the steps you took in the caption.

Providing a Behind-the-Scenes Look into Your Creative Process

A peek into your creative process can offer inspiration and learning opportunities:

behind the scenes photo shoot

1. Behind-the-scenes Stories:

Use Stories to share what goes into a photoshoot. For example, you could document the process of setting up a food photography shoot, explaining the importance of arrangement, lighting, and props.

2. Editing Process Reels:

Share Reels showing your editing process. For instance, a timelapse video of you editing a landscape photo in Lightroom can be both entertaining and insightful.

3. Gear and Setup Posts:

Share posts discussing your gear and setup. You could share a photo of your camera bag and discuss the importance of each item in your photography process.

Fostering a Community of Like-Minded Individuals on Instagram

Building a community around your content can enhance engagement:

Friends enjoying photography

1. Encourage interaction:

Ask your followers to share their own photography tips or experiences in response to your posts. For instance, after sharing a tutorial on long-exposure photography, invite your followers to share their long-exposure shots and experiences.

2. Feature user-generated content:

Showcase the work of your followers who applied your tips. This can inspire more followers to engage with your content actively and apply what they learn.

3. Collaborate with other creators:

Collaborate with other photographers to create joint content. For instance, you could do an Instagram Live session with another photographer discussing different approaches to street photography.


Offering value to your Instagram followers through knowledge sharing can enhance your personal brand and foster a vibrant community around your content. By sharing practical tips and tutorials, providing behind-the-scenes insights, and fostering community interaction, you can position yourself as a go-to resource in your field and build an engaged and loyal audience on Instagram.


Creator Circuit is the industry’s go-to platform for creators of all levels to improve their skills in photography, videography, social media, and freelance work.

A membership to Creator Circuit gives you unlimited access to over 300 jam-packed video tutorials taught by more than 28 industry experts.


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